Sunday 28 June 2009

Two blogs in as many days... i am becoming a regular blogger now, which was never truely the aim of this thing. Today though i am writing with purpose. There are many great shows on TV, of course we have the usual well received shows such as 24, lost, prison break and other TV shows which get the recognition they deserve, or in some cases do not deserve, at least in my opinion... lost? Prison break? fuck that.

However, by chance and lack of any other tv to watch, i noticed a show simply called 'Kings' on The banner for it was fairly boring, the concept didn't sound all that interesting either. However, i gave it the 42 minutes of my time that it was asking for and found myself completely in love with this new show. It really has been a long time since a show has captured me so fully, the story telling, the way the scenes are shot and unfold, the charecters... everything about this show is perhaps as perfect as one could hope.

Upon continuing to watch it, i find that it always has something else to drive your interest in it ever higher, the plot thickens show by show, story archs are played out perfectly and new mini plots are being added between charecters all the time. It feels like no scene is ever wasted, they always have a purpose in continuing the story.

The show is based around a king, as the title suggests. It is set in modern times, with plenty of modern day themes. In essence it is about a man, once a farm boy who bravely saves the prince on the battlefield and finds himself in with the royal family. There are plenty of other archs which i am not going to go through, but the portrayal of a modern day country ruled by it's king, through war and crisis is encapsulating. The writers truely make you care about the charecters, it has a great selection of lead and supporting charecters, all of which you actually care what happens to. We have the farm boy lead who ends up falling in love with the princess, a gay prince who's been told he needs to forget about that side of himself if he ever wants to be king. A king who makes some dubious decisions and has a second life off in the country. A clergy man who is very much influencial and often conflicts with the king. A queen who is at times pretty ruthless... the list goes on. The acting in this show really is top notch for the most part.

Unforuntatly though, this NBC series is not getting the exposure it deserves. I am unsure why, the tv series really does speak for itself, perhaps it is the saturday time slot the show has been given, perhaps it is just under advertised, either way this show is not getting the merit it deserves.

I'm basically just writing this to make you all aware of what is perhaps the best TV series to start in the past few years, i think it has something everybody can enjoy. So get on the torrent sites, get on ninja video and get watching this show. Unfortunatly it may only be here for the one series, either way, it's a series worth watching folks.

I'm going to post a trailer of the show beneath this blog, you'll probably only be able to see it if you click view original article, so i'll post a link too, it doesn't show off the show as it should, perhaps that is the reason it is not being so well received but check it anyway!

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