Sunday 7 June 2009

I almost forgot to put a title on this!

So, i'm blogging now not for the reason that i actually have something to say or anything of interest to blog about but because i'm bored and just want to blog, regardless of the subject.

I've had a headache threatening to start for the past 2 or 3 days, a slight buzzing pain in my head that sometimes dissipates and fades away and sometimes grows slightly more painfull. Infact, i am only still awake because i earlier took a 2 hour nap to rid myself of it when it seemed like it was going to progress into a full on headache and now it's doing that again... Problem is having already slept, sleeping again is unlikely for the next couple of hours. Curse the lack of pain killers here... I hope it doesn't worsen until at least the morning so i can go get some, until that time i am completely vunerable to it.

So, i'm sat here, looking around facebook as usual, doing a few rounds on some websites i sometimes frequent and there really is not all that much going down on any of them... to put it shortly i'm bored out of my mind. Simmons went to bed an hour or two ago so i don't even have him to talk to, which further leads me to miss him more now than i did earlier. You know, anybody who goes looking for a long distance relationship and doesn't just find themself accidently in that situation is a moron and needs to do some serious thinking. I wouldn't trade it off for anything now, that being said if we were closer, this would be a hell of a lot easier on the both of us.

So today has on a whole been fairly mundane, I only really left my place to goto the shop and other than that i have been doing a whole lot of nothing with a side portion of watching through the start of NCIS season 1. I've seen some good reviews for NCIS and have been pointed to it a few times, in all reality it's fairly good, it doesn't grab you quite as quickly as other shows such as 24, Dexter or Burn Notice and perhaps in my opinion isn't quite as good the CSI series, my favourite of which is probably miami, heratio is a fantastic charecter, i love the cheesey head tilted glares he gives. Either way i think i'm going to continue watching this series as i am enjoying it.

Which reminds me, last night for the first time i watched the film 'Schindlers List', i've always had a bit of an interest in the happenings of the holocaust and Nazi germany but somehow never actually watched this before. I thought the film was great, it was obviously really well shot and thought out, the reality of it was eye opening and i really found myself feeling apalled at the realisation of 'you know what, this shit actually happened'. I've read stuff about the holocaust, horrible accounts of brutality and genocide but still, watching what looks to be a fairly accurate account of what happened really brings it home.

Through all of my jokes, some of which are very offensive if taken seriously, i find that i personally abhore any and all acts which hurt another person who can be considered innocent. Discrimination based on such ridiculous things as religion, sexuality, nationality, whether someone likes to eat pineapples or whatever else is a huge part of what is wrong with society and an issue that i feel will never truely be gone.
That being said, i feel these issues are much less prevalent than in the past, which of course is a great step. My personal recent experiences have been that the unaccepting, judging and ignorant people are by a long way a minority, often very unintelligent and almost unable to string together a sentence with a keyboard. Perhaps with these people, it is not their fault that they believe as they do but a lack of proper education in their cases or a lifestyle which is a little under what a person would desire to live. Perhaps stupidity breeds ignorance . I need to be carefull to not stereotype people with low intelligence as ignorant here, that would kill everything i have said.

In my personal experience i was not only suprised but a little shocked at the lack of negativity i was met with. I guess when you surround yourself with those who seem to be decent people with usually a good level of intelligence it shouldn't be such a shock.

Wow, that was perhaps a little deeper than i had intended to go, see this is what happens when you begin blogging with no actual aim, it goes off on a rant.

So anyway, i'm a little hungry... well i'm not, but i want to eat, i also need to pee since this bottle of Vimto has during this typing been half drank. My headache is also slowly getting worse.. perhaps not the best idea to sit here typing and rereading my blog through whilst i had one coming on... Oh well.

Either way this rambling post is done, perhaps i will make some edits tomorrow to not seem silly by anything i've said :)

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