Monday, 15 June 2009

Wrestling, engagement party, new job!

Today has been an extremely tiring day, the past 4 days as a whole have been quite tiring, a mix of fun and fatigue in actual fact and so i'm quite enjoying being able to sit down quietly and get onto my blog, to type some random shit for all to see.

Last week on tuesday i got my first interview in quite some time, i was always fairly confident that once i got a face to face interview, getting a job is easy, explaining a long period of sitting on your ass playing world of warcraft is difficult, whilst i have things i have done, whether it be work or courses spread around that time, there has not really been a fairly long term commitment on my part in some time, except that to world of warcraft. Explaining that time away on a CV is an impossibility and thus interviews have been scarce. I believe that when i want to sell myself, i can fairly well infact and that was where my confidence stemmed from coming up to the job interview. As i suspected, the first issue which came up in the interview was my lack of actually doing anything for a while and after some questions and some explaining, i seemingly managed to give a good enough impression that the interviewer didn't seem completely scepticle of me. The interview moved on and i felt more comfortable with my chances with each passing moment. I was given a bottle of water to sell to the interviewer and she seemed pleased with my reaction to the task, stating that she 'wasnt expecting that'. I guess the fact that after a 30 second read of the bottle i chose to mention where the water is produced and the fact that this company donates to the princes trust was a different approach than she thought i would take, i'm not quite sure. Maybe it was perhaps that after stumbling on my words in the first 2 seconds of trying to sell this water that i managed to pick it up and string together sentences which not only made sense but actually seemed to sell the product well that struck her as a suprise.
Though it was perhaps when she appealed to my arrogance that i knew i had this thing won. The 'Give me 5 reasons as to why i should employ you' i feel was my real selling point. It's easy enough to become overly arrogant and a little too confident when asked to do something like this, I myself being quite arrogant realised i should avoid falling into something like that and the first thing i mentioned was in a way a negative point. 'Even though i have not worked recently, when i do work:' then i reeled off the positives, 'Work hard, there's no point in doing something with half effort, doing so is a waste of my time, your time and the customers time' and followed suit with this. By doing this I feel i managed to reanswer positively the questions she had asked me earlier on. Either way, by the time i finished, she told me that i had got the job, that whilst my work history had rang some alarm bells, she felt that i could do the job.

So a few days of nothing then passed, i enjoyed the free time i had left and generally didn't do a lot, i sat in, watched tv, played games, browsed the internet visited my nan a few times, generally relaxed, knowing that a HUGE yet welcome change to my lifestyle was incoming. I also did a little working out of my finances with this job and attempted to see how much money i could expect to save with my earning and expenditure. My general plan, without going into specific figures is to still live on as little money as possible, something i've become more than accustomed too and put all the extra pennies away in the bank, after all, i will soon need it when i move to scotland.

Now, on to the wrestling show! I receive a call from Mad Mike on thursday afternoon asking me if i was free the next day, i of course was and he asked me if i wanted to go to a wrestling show in Hull to wrestle for PWA, i was told i would wrestle Mike Romeo who Mad Mike assured was a good worker.
In actual fact, i had no idea what to expect, i've been to a lot of shows for a lot of different promotions on one offs and sometimes you get some great workers, sometimes it's guys who are fairly green, usually have good matches, but a little green. So when i arrived and get introduced to Mike Romeo i soon realise that not only does he look like a wrestler, something i can't always say about myself but he is most deffinatly not green. In all actuality he had a lot more experience than me and working with him was a pleassure. I was working face, not something i was prepared for since Mad Mike (MM from now on) had said i would be working heel. I don't usually like playing face and the crowd usually doesn't like me playing face either, Romeo had a size advantage over me and played the heel role perfectly. His offence was well paced and brutal enough that i think i got some actual sympathy at time from the crowd. His chops were great, too. I hate being chopped, it hurts and often for no reason, people often chop you, barely leave a mark or make a sound but these hurt, they made a good sound and they left fully recognisable hand imprints all over my chest and back. I had some time to do what i do best, sell! His moves were well paced, methodical and gave me plenty of time to do some proper selling, dragging myself up by his knee pads, and generally trying to get the crowd behind me. He eventually finished the match with a sweet top rope elbow drop for the win. I've a lot to learn about being a face, that being said i believe the match got over just fine and it went well.

Anyway before the show i had gone to mikes house, met his cute son foley and caught up a bit with him and ruth, after the show i spoke with ruth and tinkerbell (im still not sure what people actually call her in every day life, but thats her name so i'll use that). It was quite fun to chat with the ladies and of course aphrodite whom i had traveled to and from the show with aswell of course as mike. All in all a good night, though i was shattered by the time i got home at around 2am.... o.O

Och, where from here... hmm, interview... wrestling show... ah yes, engagement party!

Well this was a great night, it was actually a lot of fun and it was great to see marc and ruth again after recently 're-uniting' with them after a couple of years hiatus. Ruth looked great and marc looked... much more normal than previously, a fairly normal hair style, still rocking the goatee, but none the less, these two seem to be very happy together, which is of course fantastic.

My nan and grandad, were there, my dad, jane, kev and his partner whos name i unfortunatly cannot remember had arrived in the same taxi as me. Majik was also there, always great to have a quick chat with him at any oppertunity. My other cousin... Mark was also there, with his wife and 2 kids as well as marks father(s) :P

Here are a few pictures:

Mark and ruth, the happy couple!

Jane looking very... bizzare in this one

Kev being just as bizzare

My dad and Jane... i'm starting to think jane was not all that photogenic this night whilst photoed unsuspectingly, but i guess i wasn't either as you'll soon see.

Perhaps the most bizzare picture possible, My grandad has this photo took i believe and in the picture we half Marc, my mums ex husband (my dad :p in the middle) and my aunties 2 ex husbands (marcs)

The only picture i got snapped in seemingly!

There are more, but you guys get the point, to get everyone in, i'd have to add like 5 more pictures :p

It was a great night, a lot of fun and i wish marc and ruth the best. Harmony was of course still refering to me as 'chris stone' all night, never just chris. Connor is a great kid too. The food was great, the music was not so much, but it was general party music i guess and the younger kids loved it. I wasn't drunk when i left the party, by the time i got home i was however, downing a double vodka and coke and a pint just as you leave is a bit silly :)

Sunday, not a lot happened, Went to my nans for a sunday roast which she had cooked for me, my dad, jane and of course herself, it was really nice food and just nice in that it was nice to have dinner with them like that.

So, that night i wanted to get to bed early but it proved impossible, i ended up sleeping around 3-4am in the morning, so only that many hours sleep before i had to wake up at 7am to get ready for my first day at work.

What can i say about work? The people seem nice enough, i think with a little practice i can be good at the job and whilst slightly boring at times and frustrating at others, it wasn't a horrible day. I can certainly continue with this job for some time to come, getting into the proper sleeping habbits may prove tough, but once i get that sorted i feel all should be well.

All in all everything is looking up at the moment, i'm getting out more, whether it is just around with my parents, attending parties and such or wrestling, i've got myself a job and so soon money shouldn't be an issue with my low cost lifestyle.

I'm honestly looking forward to what the next couple of months brings, both in terms of whilst i'm still in england and of course when i move to scotland.

This was a long winded blog, which i hope you will forgive me for, i certainly did not mean to write it quite so long. I'm not sure when i will next write, perhaps after the week is done, perhaps after what is going to be a fairly killer party on saturday, and the lpw show on friday who knows? Until then, ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear about the job! I really hope that works out for you!
