Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Battleforge becomes free to play!

Now, i feel completely shafted, you pay your money and buy a game, within 2 months, the game becomes free! that is really a stab in the back that EA performed to all of the paying customers, but what more can you expect from those money grabbing bastards?

Regardless of that the game itself is still fairly interesting and totally free, opening it up to many more people than previously. With the shockingly bad advertisement for this game, the game box cover which is something you'd pass by without even looking at because it's boring, it's suprising they got any players at all... but they did, simply not enough which i assume is what fueled them to make this move.

What it means though is that people who haven't bought this can really capitalise on the situation.

for info about the game in my last blog about it click here:

or to view their website: you can download it there.

it's certainly worth a go for anyone into RTS and the fantasy genre.

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