Sunday, 5 April 2009


I never really understood the purpose of this blogging stuff, I admit i have read blogs in the past, even found some interesting, mostly to do with games or wrestling but i never saw the point of having one myself.

I'm not an overly interesting person, infact for the most part i would describe myself as being somewhat mundane. My writing style is not particually great either and for these reasons i never really understood why it is that people would follow a blog i write. However after thinking about it i realise that most of the people whos blogs i have read have not necissarily been all that interesting either, more often than not they were typing on a certain subject, usually one which i held interest in and it became less about the blogger than the subject itself, seeing opinions on things or takes on things that are of interest to me, is what kept me reading.

With that in mind i thought i may aswell give it a shot, there is no reason not to, i can simply go about posting on here at my own leisure, perhaps link it up to some friends, let them have a read and whatever else. I will probably write on a few topics, most likely wrestling and gaming, in specific World Of Warcraft and whilst some would not be interested by all of the posts, perhaps some would be an adequate pass time for them.

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