Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Kiss my muscles!

Chris Stone vs Omen 2 has now been uploaded to youtube it took place on the 22/02/09 for LPW.

It was a good match and comes across well on camera.

Embedded below is the match in 2 parts.

If you are viewing from facebook as opposed to the blog, you can either click 'show original article' to see the match embedded or for your convenience here are the links to both parts also:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Monday, 27 April 2009

The new way to feed my geekyness

I have recently began to play a new game, Simmons first had it and got me to try the demo. After previous game suggestions that have came from him, i was a little sceptical and who wouldn't be with such suggestions as: Dungeons and Dragons online? This one though i am glad i tried.

The game is an RTS, a game type i've always liked, whether it was Comand and conquer back when i played tiberian wars, Age Of Empires 2, The settlers 2 (anyone remember that on the amiga? It was fantastic, going to get a hold of the fairly new pc remake sometime) or most recently Warcraft 3.

This game, Battleforge has a slightly new twist on the genre which is both refreshing and fun. It combines the elements of table top card games. The game focuses mainly on Micro management of troops as opposed to the complex macro often found in some RTS's. Bases are simple and only really focus on 3 arguably 4 components. Firstly you have Power wells, taking these will increase the amount of power you gain per second, Power being your main and only resource. Secondly we have 'Orbs' which when we build we can make one of 4 elements. These 2 things are the only real buildings you will need, to make your army.

Each card you play, regardless of whether a spell, unit, or tower requires a certain amount of orbs of a particular type, so having more orbs unlocks more abilities and troops to command. Each card also has a power cost, power is used up when using the card, unlike orbs which always stay unless destroyed by the opposing team.

Then less importantly we have walls which can be built, these cost power to build and can only be built on key positions, mounting these with archers, perhaps placing some towers which is arguably the 4th component of the base, especially when people only have 1 or 2 orbs taken, it can be hard to break through these walls, in the later tiers they will fall in a second.

It also adds a social aspect, out of the matches themselves with auction houses to sell off and buy new cards. The game focuses heavily on pvp in the latter stages but also the co-op play of PvE is quite good.

All in all i really like this game, it backs up the new twist on the rts genre with fantastic graphics and effects. Using cards is quite interesting in this kind of game, the focus on the battle itself and taking key positions can mean quite quick matches. Each of the 4 'decks' have their own strengths and weaknesses, for instance fire as you might expect is very heavy on attack, whilst nature units tend to try and simply out last the damage with heal effects and immobolizing effects.

It's certainly worth a try to anyone who likes the RTS or fantasy genre's and even those who's interest in that stopped after the table top card games.

My only issue with the game is that it's ran by EA, this doesn't always bode well for some games. EA release some fantastic games from sweet studio's they've bought out over the years, but their support has never been top notch.

Following is a quick trailer i found which shows off a small amount of game play and the graphics, you wont see it in my facebook note, you'll have to click to goto the original article.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

The fire still burns!

The name of my entrance music and generally a fantastic song by Dragonforce.

As you can probably tell, this here blog will be about wrestling, the latest LPW show in particular (April 24th, 2009 at Lea Hall).

On recent LPW shows, my 'charecter' has became more and more vulgar and insulting, to the point it really was no longer suitable for a family show, there is only so far you can go and threatening to rape peoples mothers, is past it. It doesn't even serve to get you heat, infact i have found myself welcomes with cheers and support from the audience. Last night for instance i walked out to cheers from the crowd, a few boos perhaps but the crowd mostly welcomed me as in their eyes a face. With no direction, my charecter was aimless, the random hatred spewed did not turn people against me, they seemed to want to support me.

A new gimmick has changed that, i managed to turn the cheers into boos. Chris Stone has found God and some warped perspectives on how to be a man of god. The gimmick is based on the west boro baptist church, these idiots picket the funerals of dead soldiers, thank god for natural disasters and terrorist attacks and see these events as god punishing a civilisation of debauchery and sin.

They also have quite a big distaste for fags, seemingly that is one of the biggest sins possible, i guess that means i'm going to hell anyway.

But these people are disgusting cretins, although i find their views to be highly funny and i think i am going to enjoy working a gimmick which is based on them, toning it down where it needs toning down and allowing it to still be family orientated.

Anyway, enough on my new gimmick, the show was fun. There wasn't a huge crowd, infact it was quite small but they were fairly vocal and seemed to enjoy the show and get into it. I'm feeling less likely to go out there and just entertain myself, as i was before when my charecter had no direction. The match i had itself was pretty good, no technical wrestling, simply a nodq match where i don't think we used even one weapon, aside from a chair put out for the audience, Mostly it was using the surroundings. The match was easy, it just flowed fine and we got everything we wanted in it.

The backstage area was fun as usual too, the usual banter going on, albeit i'm now the subject of some of the jokes ;) but yeah, it was generally fun last night.

I'm looking forward to upcoming shows, i'm sat here with no real aches or pains, although my knee hurts a bit for some reason, not sure where i hurt that.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Leading a guild aint easy!

I've always had my own vision on what a perfect guild would be, I have searched with some luck but never truely found it. My perfect guild would include as small amount of people needed to get the job done, gear would be less spread out that way, there would be minimal switching of setups from night to night, so progress made on monday, would actually mean something come tuesday. Raids would run 5 nights a week and last for 4 hours, perhaps with a longer raid time on a sunday through the afternoon and into the evening. Everybody on the active roster would have 80% minimum attendance, holidays discluded of course. The DKP system would be simple, DKP would be almost unneeded in such a guild due to the same effort being put into by everyone.

I have been a member of many guilds, this vision has always been the driving force for me, when trying to push for changes in any guild i'm in. The problem comes when there are people i would call 'casuals' people that will only play 2 nights a week, people that barely turn up at all. I have often found myself blaming guild leaderships for problems with this. Realisticly speaking, not enough people hold the same vision, sure there are plenty out there, but not enough to truely make it happen very often.

With the perfect vision aside, I always preassured guild leaderships to remove those people who do not raid often, 2 nights a week was never enough, perhaps 3 - 4 was acceptable. Guild leaders who did not follow this through, guild leaders who considered the social aspects of a guild were always considered weak, unable to properly lead a guild and generally hindering progress in my mind.

I was wrong. The guild leaders realise the reality of WoW, there are people who will put all the effort in but that numer, is very rarely enough to run a full guild of people with raids each night. You need to keep the 'slackers' on to fill the spaces where needed. Especially with the latest expansion, guild loyalty has been low, people don't seem as commited to the guild, nor the game. These slackers have become essential. What is weak though, is allowing the slackers in a guild influence how the guild will progress, how the guild will organise raids and when.

I have recently led my own guild, after a guild merger, several mass recruitments and several core people becoming frustrated i have disbanded it and took the core members else where, so that they can continue raiding together. I perhaps will stick around a little while, but this new guild does not seem to be something i want to be a part of. It may have progress, but it seems completely unorganised, they seemingly have far too many members, no real method to their recruitment and unfortunatly, since the new expansion that is what is needed to survive. It is not a fun enviroment to play in that way.

As content in the game becomes easier, as people decide they too can make a new guild as easily as join one, the member base is split too many times, no guild is truely safe from falling, except the odd few who have built their base long before WOTLK and hold some of the better progress. Even their players though will become frustrated in time with the ease of content.

WoW as a game has shifted it's focus over time to cater to casual and bad players, this has led to many who played seriously being shafted.

I think my time in WoW is coming swiftly to an end.

Sunday, 5 April 2009


I never really understood the purpose of this blogging stuff, I admit i have read blogs in the past, even found some interesting, mostly to do with games or wrestling but i never saw the point of having one myself.

I'm not an overly interesting person, infact for the most part i would describe myself as being somewhat mundane. My writing style is not particually great either and for these reasons i never really understood why it is that people would follow a blog i write. However after thinking about it i realise that most of the people whos blogs i have read have not necissarily been all that interesting either, more often than not they were typing on a certain subject, usually one which i held interest in and it became less about the blogger than the subject itself, seeing opinions on things or takes on things that are of interest to me, is what kept me reading.

With that in mind i thought i may aswell give it a shot, there is no reason not to, i can simply go about posting on here at my own leisure, perhaps link it up to some friends, let them have a read and whatever else. I will probably write on a few topics, most likely wrestling and gaming, in specific World Of Warcraft and whilst some would not be interested by all of the posts, perhaps some would be an adequate pass time for them.