Friday 13 August 2010

Hello! I had nothing to really write a blog concerning in the past few weeks really, the attempted mugging I experienced wasn't blog worthy, going out partying all the time isn't blog worthy and nor is work or anything else in my general day to day life, but I think I've found something which may pique some peoples interest or at least lead to people having a view on something a bit different!

So on my lunch break today at work I decided to go to Iceland for a microwave meal, I realised I've been eating far too expensively during my dinner breaks and it needs to stop if I want to be able to eat all month. Whilst in there, happily looking through the range of meals, which included a Chicken Tikka Lasagne which I decided would be the meal of choice today, and my lord what a great choice that was, I found myself angered and offended by a woman and more specifically the way in which she treated her 6 - 8 year old son.

The son was carrying the basket of shopping that had so far been selected, he didn't look to be overly enjoying himself, who would? but he didn't seem to be in a particular bad mood, he certainly had done nothing to grab my attention and so I can only assume he didn't deserve (nor in my opinion could he have done anything at that time which would change that) to be spoken to the way he was by his mother.

From what i had heard the mother said: 'Stop it now, or I'll give you away and you'll never see me again' oh as bad as i believe that to be, perhaps the worst bit follows: 'and I'll be happy about that!' Right Ok, way to make the child not simply feel like he's done something wrong but that you'd be happy never seeing him again... later on after she said some other nasty things i couldn't quite make out they once again came closer to where i was now looking at chicken breast steaks, 2 of which i have not long finished eating and again, the boy slowly walking behind her not making any noise and such. She turned to him and shouted in his face: 'you're showing me up!' I was at this point completely outraged at the way in which the mother had been handling her son and not being one to sit quietly in such social situations decided putting my 2 cents in was a good idea. I simply said 'The only one showing you up love, is yourself - the things you're saying are disgusting' before turning away and walking off before she had chance to respond. It's not the first time i've felt like or have indeed said something when a mother has treated their child in such away but it has me thinking, should people like this be allowed to have children? Obviously in my mind, the answer is no.

I believe with over population, a culture of 'lets have babies and live off wellfare' and plenty of bad mothers who couldn't give a shit it is time something is done... but what?

My suggestion would come in the form of a license to have children... To adopt you must be assessed, to foster you need to be assessed and still, some of these people turn out to not be good enough, why then should people be allowed to have their own children so freely? It's absolutely ridiculous and in my mind cannot be defended.

I would suggest that people applying to get this license be put through a financial check and some form of training followed by mental health checks and suitability to parenting assessment. At the end of such checks they would be issued or not issued a license which would allow them to have a fixed number of children below the age of 18. Anyone not meeting the criteria of parenthood or exceeding their allowed number of children under 18 would be forced to have a state enforced abortion, without any kind of choice in the matter. Should a person be too far pregnant for said abortion, the child would be taken into care immediately upon birth, unless an assessment were carried out during pregnancy and they were deemed fit to parent the child. If someone were to be found to purposely hide their pregnancy to have the child unlawfully, they would have the child taken with no chance of regaining them and face either a fine or prison sentence. Changes in marital status, financial status etc would result in any license being voided and a new one having to be applied for.

It's quite simple the reasons i think this to be a good idea, far too many bad parents and in some cases bad people are parenting children and it should not be allowed. It may seemingly infringe on human rights, but what about the rights of a child to be cared for properly?

If only i were a dictator in this country, democracy is shit.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

2009 - 2010 - Changes.

It seems almost forever ago that i graced the Midlands with my presence and even longer since my last adventure inside the squared circle. In actuality it has been a little under a year, it's funny how much can happen in a year, perhaps i never realized it because i was too busy engulfing myself into an online world which only really changes in any big way every few months and even then the changes might not be all that big. In the past year a LOT has happened a lot of changes have taken root in my life and i'm not the same person coming out of it. The year of 2009 - 2010 has probably been the one in my 22 year existence that has not only taught me the most but left the biggest mark and i don't mean the scar on my arm. What an adventure it has been, some things about me as a person before can no longer be attributed to me and plenty of other things have taken their place. With so many changes having taken place it's going to be strange to see that my place of residence for over 21 years of my life has likely remained as i remember it, with the same flaws and the same draws as ever. Perhaps most of the people i knew before have changed very little too, it will be very odd indeed.

I have applied for a job in Coventry, my return is perhaps imminent, if I do move back to Coventry, it will be a major move, just as it was moving to Dundee in the first place. I can't express how different i feel within myself than the last time i lived in the midlands, I can't explain most of the differences, I might well seem like the same person i was before to any old friends just a little more gay but the changes feel deep to me.

Am I ready to leave Dundee?
Have I learnt all of the things about myself that Dundee can help me answer?
Will the 'new' me and Coventry like each other?

Hard questions with no definite answers... It seems the biggest questions / issues in life never come with the comfort of clear yes or no, perhaps I should get used to that.

A lot has happened in recent months and somehow I managed to keep bouncing back, I manager to keep my head above water and move on, albeit not as easily as i'd hoped. Dundee seems to allow me second chances.

It's also bizarre that on the cusp of such a large move, I find myself allowing someone close, but how could I not when so far i very much enjoy his company and honestly feel the best idea when it comes to him is to give it a chance...

Oh, such dilemma's, Such a huge decision, Such big questions...

I wonder whether 2010 - 2011 will hold half the changes this past year did, part of me hopes it will, perhaps i'll become a millionaire? The sensible part of me hopes however that it doesn't, i'm happy with who I am, i'm happy with the direction of my life, i'm happy with being me.

Right, time for bed!

Monday 22 February 2010

Mmm.. a title you say?

My eyes are still blurry from sleep and my body is not yet fully awake as i sit here on a leather couch, typing away on this tiny netbook. I can see a reflection of myself in the screen and i look pretty awful, my hair is a mess, the 2 spot on my forehead are still pissing me off and i look like i just crawled out of bed, which of course is the truth... but that doesn't mean i want to look like it.

Today I have to face another 10 hour or so coach ride back to Scotland, which would not be so bad, except for the fact i've nothing to play music on and the book i have to read i don't hold much faith in. If only i were able to feel comfortable falling asleep in 'public', it would make the day pass hours at a time. No, i doubt anything is going to help aleviate the boredom i will feel today.

This past week has been very relaxing, it's been just what i've needed. There's been nothing exciting gone on, i've just spent a week with my family, watching tv, browsing the net and taking part in everyday activities. It's not been like a holiday at all, more like fitting into another life, if only for a week. I'm thankfull for having been able to get time off of work at such short notice to be able to do this. I'm much less stressed, i'm less tired and less wound up than before, these being fantastic benefits i must say the main benefit lies in the fact it's bought payday ever closer without me incurring any type of expenses.

Well, for the next week i'll be working solidly, this is generally what happens when you use days off as well as holiday days as to not use up all of the latter. That's fine, in fact it's good! More time at work is less time spending cash, less time being bored at home when your flat is still a little empty until pay day and less time thinking about shit you don't want to think about!!

I'm becoming convinced there is a bird stuck in the chimney breast here, every so often i hear some weird noises come from it then a pecking sound as if it's trying to get out... I might investigate!

Right, it's time to go get a shower, else i shall be sat sweaty stinking out the people unfortunate enough to sit anywhere close to me.

A life without the internet again... at least it's only for a few days -- when i get paid it is the first thing i'm sorting out, so i'll have it back in the first few days of march :)

Until then, i'll be using the library computers when i can be arsed.

Ciao for now

Sunday 21 February 2010

The days have already strarted rolling into weeks and soon will become months... It's been 3 weeks since my break up and by far the longest time i've been without contact from simmons since i met him. It's challenging, though the temptation to contact him for any reason has been dulled by the £200 fine and threat of imprisonment my last 'contact' with him yielded. Coupled with the idea that i know us being apart is for the best, there is no reason to contact him, besides some of my belongings which he still clings on to, but they will need to wait.
I can only say as time goes on i'm feeling better and better around the whole situation, the anger subsides, the regrets disapate and all that's left is an optimistic hope / outlook on the future. Regardless of some of the horrible situations of the past few months and most likely because of these things, i feel i've learnt many lessons, like i have grown and that i'm in a better situation now than i've ever been.
Everything in my life is now much less certain than before. My job is likely to remain unchanged, and chances are i'll still be living in Dundee a year down the line but how my life will be, is uncertain, before i could have said the kind of home life i'd have a year down the line with quite some confidence that i'd be right and now i have no idea. Will i slip into going out on a regular basis drinking? Will i decide to spend my time away from work just sitting on a pc? Are there other possibilities which i can't be arsed to type out? Deffinatly. I'm actually excited to see where i'll be 6 months or even a year down the line.

I'm not sure really what purpose this blog serves, i guess i'm just a little bored and this takes up some time. Back to work on tuesday... oh the joys.

Thursday 11 February 2010

A jeremy kyle relationship comes to an end :)

I've been trying to sit down to blog for a while now, there's plenty been going on and even when the oppertunity has presented itself i've not really been in the mood to do so.

Right now i'm sat in the library, probably not the best place to sit typing at full speed for any length of time, i'm sure people will be getting slightly annoyed, as would i. Oh well, with my headphones in, listening to a selection of Creed, R.E.M, Queen and Dragonforce i can barely hear the typing, so it's not unreasonable to expect they do the same albeit with bands showing less musical taste than the ones i have selected.

My life has been crazy since the New Year, with this new year has came several new me's and hopefully i've settled on one now.

Me and simmons were going through some really hard times, the lazy shit did nothing, i'd work all day, he'd not bother to spend 5 minutes cleaning, i'd come back and make dinner, i'd use my off days to clean the place after he allowed it to become a pig stye. He'd never bother going into Uni, he'd never go out, he was simply a hermit. I guess the 'honeymoon' period of living together had worn off and we both took each other for granted.

Well, a few things happened and events culminated the first time in me being locked out from my flat, with work the next day i needed things from the flat and told simmons through the letter box if he didn't let me in, i'd smash the window... no reply and so that's exactly what i did. I first launched a wheelie bin at the window, which didn't have the effect i was hoping it would and so then i stupidly put my elbow through it, slashing my arm which later needed 5 stitches and securing me a 3 night holiday to the local police hotel.

On getting out from the cells, my first stop was to go see simmons, he was extremely cold and nasty toward me, which i half understood.. anyway, i went to stay with a friend as opposed to with simmons, stuff happened there but 2 weeks later, after several phone calls of simmons crying, several times him asking to speak, after him telling me he'd self harmed, and after seeing on his pc that he'd looked up 'painless ways to commit suicide' i decided to give it another go with simmons.

Big mistake...

As if i didn't know that it was at the time... i certainly knew it just a few days later.

So we went on holiday with my father and his partner, and her daughter and her fiance... the latter two being lying, lower class assholes who are about as intelligent as i would be, if completely drunk and half passed out with a heroine needle in my arm. Simmons and I were getting along ok to begin with, but there was a little animosity there between us both, he was quite happy to make very bitchy remarks and comments toward me and mostly i was happy enough to retort. Problem is, my retorts were much more obvious than his initial comments and people turned on me.

Anyway, long story short, i went to bed one night early because of the way i felt i was being treated, simmons joined a while after, he woke me up accidently and i told him to leave the room, which he did. Later that night i woke up again and went to go speak to him, see if we could sort stuff out... anyway, i pulled on his shirt to wake him and suddenly this became me dragging him around by his neck according to the two lower class liars i already mentioned and anyway, this led to me spending my birthday in a cell.

Since that time i've gotten myself a flat, been drunk more times than i care to remember and am now settling back into the swing of things.

I feel slightly annoyed me and simmons couldn't put our bitchy comments aside that weekend, but in all honesty, far too much had already happened for us to continue being together anyway and certainly now, i wouldn't think about being with him for a second.

Anyway, just a quick update :)